If Wt framework is installed correctly then examples will be built successfully.
Below are steps how to build Wt examples.
Here is considered that Wt is installed with examples and libwtfcgi-dev.
How to install it you can read here.
Steps to build Wt examples on Debian wheezy:
1. Create directory where cmake will create makefiles:
#> mkdir /home/%user%/build/wtexamples
#> cd /home/%user%/build/wtexamples
2. Run cmake to create makefiles:
#> cmake -DWT_SOURCE_DIR=/usr/lib/Wt \
3. Build hello example:
#> cd /home/%user%/build/wtexamples/hello
#> make
In result you should get something like that:
4. If hello example is built successfully then you can try to build all examples:
#> cd /home/%user%/build/wtexamples
#> make
If all examples is built successfully most probably your Wt was installed properly.