At first lets consider time complexity of algorithms.
Time complexity of std::sort.
According to the C++ standard, sort is required to perform O(NlogN) comparsions on average but has worst-case complexity of O(N*N), where N is last - first. This latitude, however, is unnecessary. It is possible to implement sort so that the number of comparsions, both average and worst-case, is only O(NlogN) [1].
Time complexity of std::make_heap.
. At most 3N comparsions, where N is last - first.
Time complexity of std::sort_heap.
At most NlogN comparsions, where N is last - first.
Time complecity of
std::make_heap +std::sort_heap in the worst-case
3N + NlogN.
Performance testing.
Code below has been run on with gcc 4.7.2. in testing purpose.
Performance testing results.
On reverse range std::sort can be slower than std:make_heap + std::sort_heap in 2 times.
==== Comparing std::sort vs std::sort_heap performance. ===
==== Range types: sorted, reversed, random ===
==== Range size is 10000000. ===
==== std::sort results:
Consumed time for sorted range: 0.340000 sec.
Consumed time for reversed range: 2.520000 sec.
Consumed time for random range: 1.110000 sec.
==== std::make_heap+std::sort_heap results:
Consumed time for sorted range: 1.060000 sec.
Consumed time for reversed range: 1.260000 sec.
Consumed time for random range: 4.660000 sec
std::sort can be slower then std::make_heap +std::sort_heap in N/(3 + logN) times in
worst-case. But, in average std::sort is faster.
Matthew H. Austern. Generic Programming and the STL: Using and Extending the C++ Standard Template Library. ISBN 0-201-30956-4.